Thursday, September 4, 2008

A swarm of rants in the blogosphere...

So. I finally got around to starting my own blog. :) This little corner of the internet will serve as a place to post about what's on my mind. Mostly, these will be political commentaries, I imagine. For the record, I am a raging anti-imperialist liberal who believes that, if government is going to exist at all, it should damn well take care each and every single person in its jurisdiction, no matter who they are or what they do. Government should not be a tool for domination of any class of human beings over any another and it should isolate itself from institutions that do (organized religion, the "free" market, gambling, first person shooters, whatever).

Now and then I will post some things related to my other interests, those being art (drawing, digital and 3D, maybe occasionally video or music), games of various types including board games (we're talking hardcore, like Arkham Horror not Chutes and Ladders, people!), computer games, and roleplaying games. I have a few (some say a few too many...) projects of my own that I am working on, and I will probably foist them upon my readership from time to time. :)

Anyway, please read the rules before leaving any comments on my little blip in the blogometric field. They're to the right. No, your other right. A little farther... little farther... too far! Back a bit. There you go.



Jess Wundrun said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! I wonder how long it will take you to obsess over your sitemeter? ;^}

Kathy Podgers said...

I agree with your points. Thanks for choosing FairTalk as a fan. I found your blog at your HP page. I am having a problem with HP selectively blocking or posting my comments, which do not even come close to violating policy.

Two days ago I sent an email to the email listed on HP in FAQs, and although I did not recieve a reply, the next day my comments were posted. But today, we are back to blocked posts.

Do you think there is heavy handed censorship going on? Do you know of any other way I can communicate with HP about this problem. I sent another email today, several in fact, all bounced back stating no recipient at that address.

take care and keep posting, Kathy

chaos4700 said...

I have the same problems here. And it's insane, because you'll have people like gatorgil and MagisterLudi who post the most onerous, offensive things and they get through. Or people like Michale, who seems to carry the blogging equivalent of a paintball shotgun.

Huff Po's staff are pretty much impossible to get a hold of. I've tried it too because I've had strangeness with my account not being able to log on -- not blocked, but it acts like I'm both logged in and not logged in simultaneously at times, the net effect being that I can't post comments when it's in that state until it apparently resolves itself in a day or two.

Not sure what to recommend. I've found that the shorter your post is, the more likely it is to get through either system. Some people think there are code words that trigger the filters -- the jury's still out on that as far as I'm concerned. I'm pretty sure making multiple comments on the same article (for any reason) flags moderation on your user name.

There are also times when it gets flagged for all user names -- I situation I've come to call "megaphone alert swarm," because of my suspicion as to who is overwhelming the comment system at that moment (you may already know about this, but if not, look up "Megaphone desktop tool" on WikiPedia to find out what I'm talking about.)

Beyond that? Depends on the human interface server side. I don't think Huff Po itself is engaging in systemic censorship, but I suspect some of the mods are enforcing their bias. To make an example, it's almost impossible to post a comment that is critical of a Israel to a blog that is actually written by an Israeli.

All I can say is, keeping posting. What we say matters! And thanks for the comment and the support.

Kathy Podgers said...

Hey, thanks for your response. I will pay more attention to this.

Here is my new blog that I started after being intimidated on the IR MyBO site. I was told my opinions were not allowed to be posted, take them outside! LOL I have not left the IR but why not post my opinions on a blog.

You will see it has already come under attack! LOL

Kathy Podgers said...