Thursday, September 11, 2008

If at first you don't succeed... Revise history!

So, as Newshoggers was kind enough to point out, the White House has apparently decided to announce yesterday that Osama bin Laden was not the mastermind of 9/11! Oh noes! Quick, someone tell John McCain that he's on the wrong trail!

That can mean only one thing: someone has gone back into history and altered the timeline! This sounds like a job for the ACME Detective Agency!

I mean, seriously, I don't know what's worse: the possibility that this is a falsehood, and Bush wants to sweep his failure to actually catch Osama bin Laden under the rug... or the possibility that this is the truth -- which would mean that this entire time, Bush has been using Osama bin Laden as a scarecrow and fabricating a myth around the man so that the Republicans could trick the rest of the American people to sit down, shut up, follow along and stop asking questions. People have died over this. We've committed our troops -- our brothers, our sisters, sons and daughters, fathers and mothers -- to this and now they're going to say, "Nope! That was the wrong guy. Sooorry!"

Of course, to top it all off, they're saying "We've already got the guy! It's Khalid Sheik Muhammed!" Gee, let's roll out that old Mission Accomplished banner, why don't we? Now, before I go any further, I will say that the guy is probably guilty of committing crimes. I've ostensibly decided to put credence in the 9/11 Commission's report. But how do we know, now, whether he is the mastermind? His confessions were extracted by torture. We've literally made it impossible to give the man a fair trial for his crimes -- and that is a crime our government has committed against the victims of what happened at the World Trade Center.

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