Sunday, October 26, 2008

Defining Terrorism

Regarding this video snippet...

I suppose we shouldn't be surprised. I mean, they're only dictators as long as they aren't our dictators, right? Why shouldn't the same rule apply to terrorists?

New rule for the Campaign '08 drinking game! Whenever Palin or McCain mentions Bill Ayers and either "terrorist" or "Obama" in the same sentence, take a drink. If they do so in response to a question not directly related to Bill Ayers, take two drinks. If they manage to fit Bill Ayers, Barack Obama and a reference to terrorism in the same sentence without conjunctions, finish your drink.

Special thanks to BuzzFlash for bringing this to my attention. Read his blog entry on the topic, it's far more eloquent than mine. :)


Pedestrian said...

Hello ...

I came across your blog via the Huffington Post ...
Great place you have here, and I will be visiting often ...

Regarding this post, I'm glad that Bill Ayers has started speaking. My knowledge of him is limited to a few of his academic articles I've read in school, and they have been very intelligent.

chaos4700 said...

Oh hey thanks! I was starting to think nobody was actually ever going to read it. :P I suppose I may have to start actually posting now.