Sunday, October 26, 2008

Defining Terrorism

Regarding this video snippet...

I suppose we shouldn't be surprised. I mean, they're only dictators as long as they aren't our dictators, right? Why shouldn't the same rule apply to terrorists?

New rule for the Campaign '08 drinking game! Whenever Palin or McCain mentions Bill Ayers and either "terrorist" or "Obama" in the same sentence, take a drink. If they do so in response to a question not directly related to Bill Ayers, take two drinks. If they manage to fit Bill Ayers, Barack Obama and a reference to terrorism in the same sentence without conjunctions, finish your drink.

Special thanks to BuzzFlash for bringing this to my attention. Read his blog entry on the topic, it's far more eloquent than mine. :)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

How Dinner with the Klingon Delegation...

...might have went in the Mirror Universe's Star Trek VI? (Warning: Language Not Safe For Work!)

I swear, I almost had a Genesis Incident in my drawers after finding this. It's darn near the funniest thing I've seen in... well... ever, possibly. Check out some of SciFiAssasin's other video cuts, he's a real genius at this thing. My runner up is Servalan singing.

That first video up there, though... I don't wonder if that's what it's like when Bush and company attend a G8 summit. I can just imagine the delegates from the EU starting a betting pool to see whose malapropism or bad behavior from the Bush team will cause Condaleeza Rice to sputter into her dinner wine first.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Chuck Norris, Black Belt Economist

So. It's been a while since I've posted. Things have been pretty hectic for me back in Real Life, and what's been going on in politics lately has been... well... too depressing to even blog about. I wanted to go positive on my next post, but it's been sort of difficult. I think I will veer off of politics in my next post which I will try to get out there tomorrow. I'm not sure if anyone's reading this thing at this point, so meh, maybe no one's really noticed. Heh.

Anyway, this right here is funnier than it is depressing, at least. McCain was going to hire Phil "you buncha whiners!" Gramm to be his Secretary of the Treasury -- but that's only because Chuck Norris was already booked to be Mike Huckabee's Secretary of Treasury!

Did you hear Chuck Norris kicked the national debt so hard, it lost three or four digits!

You know honestly, every time Norris goes on TV to stump for Republicans, it really takes the mystique and -- dare I say it -- the grandeur out of his reputation as a mythic asskicker. I mean seriously, the guy's dumber than a bag of rocks. I think he needs to go back to his roots and defend America by beating up endless swarms of ninjas, not careening through political analysis like a third grader at the wheel of a semi.

Take my advise, Mr. Norris. Take one for the team and just sit this discussion out. We'll call you if a guy with an eyepatch or a facial scar shows up and tries to steal a nuke or whatnot, okay?

In the meantime, let's not talk about "economic terrorism," unless you seriously expect us to believe that you're really willing to ship Lloyd Blankfein to Gitmo as an enemy combatant, or waterboard Hank Paulson in order to stop the "ticking time bomb" that is our economic meltdown. 'Cause I'm guessing... you're not.